Geological (or rather engineering geological and geotechnical) surveys for building bases are an integral part of planning new constructions and designs for fixing specific foundations or landscaping, moreover, they are also mandatory and extremely valuable for reconstruction of the existing structures and the general construction process.
Geological surveys: why are they so important?
Geological surveys (design ones) are one of the key types of surveys for construction, they are mandatory under the legislations effective in the Republic of Lithuania and must be performed before building a house or other structure of any purpose and complexity. There are still some attempts to save money when it is decided to avoid these surveys in one way or another, but often people come to regret this choice. Not knowing about the soil on the land plot, geological and hydrogeological conditions of the base can lead to numerous predicaments and unexpected “surprises” both within the course of the construction and after the structure is built. This includes unacceptably high and sometimes uneven setting of the building (sometimes one corner of the building just sinks into the ground) or excessive setting of various built surfaces, cracking or crumbling walls of a house or other similar events occur as a result of a decision made to opt out of geological surveys, which eventually leads to uncertainties related to not knowing what soil prevails on the land plot and under the foundation of the structure, what technologies needed to be selected in order not to disturb the structure of such soil and not to reduce its strength properties.
Geological surveys reveal lots of important aspects: what geological conditions prevail on the selected land plot, any potentially hazardous processes, the base soil, the structure and properties of this soil, the depth of ground water and type thereof, the potential impact of some forces and loads on the soil, etc.
A competent team and the choice of a responsible company as well as complex application of the required methods of geological surveys are crucial for obtaining reliable results of geological surveys.
Geological survey methods applied by “GEOINŽINERIJA”:
Dynamic probing. This method of geological survey is particularly expedient when the priority is given to expedition and simplicity. In addition to these properties, it also ensures sufficiently accurate results. A major advantage is that the dynamic probing method could be applied in inaccessible or even hard-to-reach sites and yet it produces sufficiently detailed information regarding the strength and structural properties of soil.
- Static probing. This method of geological survey is characteristic of economy and expedition. We can claim beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is one of the most popular method in Lithuania enabling not only to estimate the boundaries of soil layers very accurately, but also to identify the type of the soil, mechanical properties of the soil as well as the strength of the base, etc.
- Static and dynamic plate tests. These testing methods enable to identify the deformation properties of the soil, the degree of compaction, the quality, and the reaction to loads. This method is particularly necessary for assessment of the quality of prepared bases and designing of structures and other objects of transport communications.
- Drilling of soil and other solids. An accurate method enabling to directly and immediately determine the type of the soil, the boundaries of layers, to assess the composition of the soil, mechanical and physical properties, type, the boundaries of layers, also to take samples for laboratory tests. In addition to this, the soil drilling method is used for determination of the depth of ground water, its nature and deposition conditions.
- Laboratory testing of soil. These methods of geological surveys are an integral part of design EGG surveys. This is the most popular method enabling to test mechanical and physical properties as well as composition of the soil accurately, and, if necessary, strength, deformation properties of the soil, to anticipate reaction of the soil to loads during the construction and behaviour within the course of operation of the structure upon completion of the construction. The results of laboratory testing of soil are extremely significant for accurate calculations in order to minimise the possibility of soil sedimentation or in order to completely avoid any deformations of the structures, cracks on the walls, etc.
- Soil compaction control. This method of geological survey based on field tests and laboratory analyses enables to accurately determine and assess the quality of compacted soil and the degree of compaction.
- Excavation of holes. This method of geological survey is expedient both for designing of new structures and reconstruction of the old ones, when it is important to examine the soil mechanically, including assessment of its strength, to determine the type, depth, and quality of the foundation of the structure subject to reconstructions or an adjacent structure, potential reaction of its foundation to new constructions or a new adjacent structure.
Why the geological surveys conducted by us are an excellent choice for you?
- We never stop growing and improving, so we are able to ensure highly accurate survey data, competent performance of surveys, also presentation and clarification of information to our customers within the agreed timeline.
- Many years of experience on the market of geological surveys enable us to offer rationally advanced solutions as well as the best ratio of price and quality to our customers.
- We have all licences required for conducting geological surveys.
- We use modern equipment ensuring extremely accurate and explicit data and enabling to conduct the surveys faster.
- We provide high-quality services in conformity with the relevant standards and within the agreed time limits.
- We consult, clarify the survey data, and give advice.
- We offer the best conditions for each of our customers, regardless of the commissioned survey package and the customer: we treat individual natural persons and legal entities equally.
- We are happy to have a wide enough circle of loyal customers who trust us and new customers who continue joining it. Our clientele includes state and municipal authorities, various development companies, construction companies, agricultural companies, transport infrastructure companies, design and architecture offices, private individuals, etc.